you not think that feminism
is in effect a sympathy based
exaggeration which in order
to fully maintain its highly
moral position has to belittle
men, by illustrating them as
fictional monsters. I can recognize
the true legitimacy of domestic
violence and even go as far
as to say that equality is essential
to the future of our civilized
society, but and here is my
question to you. With equality
comes responsibility and will
the average women in this highly
patriarchal society want this
responsibility. It seems to
me that women are given a lot
of leeway and perhaps the vast
majority would prefer this to
equality. For example, if a
man physically damages a women
(which I think is totally unacceptable)
then he expects to get punished
both from the legal system and
perhaps from society in general
but when a women cuts a man's
penis off, she becomes a celebrity,
where is the logic in that?
The media is also another good
example, as when does the media
ever portray a stupid woman,
never, but how often does an
unintellectual man appear, as
the inferior. Equality is a
reasonable request, but only
if you can accept the responsibilities
which come with it. I am actually
doing some research into this
and so would be very interested
in any advice/opinions which
you may have, as to what direction
to go in and whether or not
my argument has any fundamental
for your note. Your argument
seems to present a few different
hypotheses--some of which I
agree with and some of which
I don't. For instance, you believe
that "feminism" requires "belittl[ing]
men," which is wrong. Feminism
is about a balance--and as much
as it seeks to liberate women
from their presumed (inferior)
roles in society, it also seeks
to liberate men from their presumed
(dominant) role. It's about
liberating the individual--regardless
of gender. The gender emphasis
is added because women in recent
history have been at a disadvantage
when it comes to access to information,
to money, to freedom, etc..
So, because I don't believe
this is the goal, I don't believe
nor do I know anyone who believes
that feminism requires belittling
other point seems to be that
some women aren't ready to take
responsiblity for their equality--which
I entirely agree with. If every
woman were ready for this acknowledgment
and acting on this acknowledgment,
we would be closer to equality.
But, as it sounds, I do think
that some women don't want to
realize their own potential,
or don't think that they can
and, therefore, belittle it
in themselves and in others.
But, the point is that feminism
is about choice--each woman
choosing whether or not to embrace
that access. So as long as it's
an informed choice--it's okay.