My name is Laura Sayen and I
am attending school at Kalamazoo
Academy in Kalamazoo Michigan.
I am in the 8th grade, and we
have just begun our annual research
papers. Our subject this year
had to be an American visionary,
and I chose Betty Friedan. I
was searching the web for information
when I came accross your site.
I was wondering if you had any
more information to offer.
I don't know much about Betty
Friedan's life--she went to
Smith College, became a labor
organizer/socialist, wrote The Feminine Mystique in 1963, co-founded The National
Organization for Women in
1966, wrote more books, taught
at colleges/universities including
Cornell, and worked with Women,
Men and Media and the Front
Page Report. There is a new
biography out about her by Judith
Hennessee. And you might be
able to learn more through NOW,
since she was a founder and
stayed active with them for
a while.