for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
I am not quite certain what
you mean by "women's ratings
of feminism," but my guess is
that you mean how women interpret
feminism or more specifically
when asked about feminism how
to women respond. This information
is gathered through public opinion
polls, such as those gathered
by pollsters like Louis Harris.
Based on these polls, the majority
of women support feminism and
agree that feminism has improved
women's lives.
difference in most polls is
how you ask the question. For
instance, when the questioner
gives the definition of feminism:
i.e. a person who supports the
social, political, and economic
equality of all people--then
approximately 70% of all women
are likely to agree with this
definition. Without the definition,
this number drops to anywhere
between 30-50%. And the majority
of men and women consistenly
agree that feminism has improved
women's lives. The Feminist
Majority Foundation did
a poll in 1995 on these attitudes--so
perhaps you could contact them
about that study.