I am a 19-year-old university
student in Istanbul. I am really
interested in your web site
- it is the best one I have
ever seen. I was given a research
paper for my midterm score.
My subject is about feminist's
sexual lives - does their ideology
make them support being lesbians
or their belief for reproduction
or that men are needed? I want
to know because you are the
only ones who can answer my
questions. Thanks, Seda
for your note. However, I just
want to assure you that just
as no two feminists are alike,
the sex lives of no two feminists
are alike. For instance, some
feminists are asexual, some
are straight and some are bisexual.
Some feminists are lesbians,
but not all lesbians are feminists.
Feminism's relationship to sexuality
is to free each woman (and man),
so they can make responsible
choices about their lives. Feminism's
role is not to dictate that
choice, but to make that choice
possible and to create a climate
in which all choices are respected