you please help me out with
some info if possible, at the
moment I'm trying to collect
relevant material to go towards
my assignment but I'm finding
it difficult to get the right
information. The essay title
is: 'How successfully has feminism
challenged patriachy'. If you
or any of your fellow collegues
can point the way towards any
relevant info which may be on
the Web I would be very grateful.
Thanks, Darren in the UK
for your note. Feminism has
certainly been successful in
challenging patriarchy, but
it has yet to ultimately triumph
over it. When it does--equality
for everyone will have been
achieved. For instance, "parenting"
won't be synonymous with "mothering,"
low-wage jobs won't be predominately
female and higher wage jobs
primarily male; male dancers
won't be presummed to be gay;
and women won't have to fear
walking home at night. Though
this is still a lot to accomplish,
feminism has achieved many things--the
right to full citizenship, the
right to own and inherit property,
the right to divorce, to legalized
birth control.