am a student at the University
of Memphis researching gender
roles and their places in society.
Your website has been very helpful
and has peaked my interest in
the feminist movement. I have
been able to find numerous sources
of information regarding feminism,
however very little on the male
counterpart to the feminist
movement. What would you call
a man who championed the cause
of male advancement, not that
he wanted to oppress women simply
wanted to advance his gender
(if that is possible). Thank
you, Allison
for your note. Though there
are certainly men's movements
and pro-feminist
men's groups, I think simply
that any man working for men's
or women's emancipation is a
feminist. Feminism--by dictionary
definition--is the movement
toward the full social, political
and economic equality of all
people. Therefore, the goal
of feminism is for each individual
to be equal and free to make
certain choices about their
lives. So it is as much about
liberating men in their roles
as it is about liberating women
in their roles. In fact, I don'
think that either gender can
be truly liberated until both