have gone through a spiritual
crisis in the past four years.
I used to be a devout Christian
who used to pray and go to church
a lot. But I was also taught
to hate feminism by the people
I relied on for spiritual guidance.
They claimed it was "satanic,"
and that a true Christian did
not believe in equal rights
for women. As a result, I disassociated
myself from religion and have
distrusted ministers and others
for fear they might be antifeminist.
Can one be religious and still
be a feminist?
so much for your note to FEMINIST.COM--and
for being true to yourself.
In answer to your question:
"Can one be religious and still
be a feminist?" Without a doubt,
the answer is yes. I don't think
that the problem is religion
so much as it is the interpretors
of religion--i.e. the Vatican.
There are several great organizations
and individuals out there, who
have challenged these interpretations
and gone to the root of several
religions only to find that
yes in fact, there is room for
feminism in most of the world's
religions. Some of the resources
that you might want to consider
to learn more -- Catholics
for a Free Choice), the
work of Karen Armstrong (a book
on a God and one on Mohammed),
and a wonderful anthology--Women
Imagine Change--which includes
the works of many feminist spiritual
and religious leaders.