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Find out about Feminist.com Executive Director Marianne Schnall's new book, Daring to Be Ourselves: Influential Women Share Insights on Courage, Happiness and Finding Your Own Voice: www.daringtobeourselves.com
The vanishing ladies return in full-color portraits! Proudly display your feminist heritage with Women's History Posters available at www.merrifieldstudio.com.
The Progressive is a leading voice for peace and social justice. Since 1909, The Progressive has been one of the most venerable political magazines in America, with award-winning investigative reporting and in-depth feature articles and interviews. Winner of the 2002 Utne Reader's Best Political Coverage award. www.progressive.org
Ms. Magazines, 1973-1995. All issues 1974-1988 & 1990. Willing to sell full set - 217 issues. Contact: jar742@nyc.rr.com
Check out Midwifery Today magazine for information on pregnancy, birth, homebirth, midwifery, breastfeeding, and herbs. Plus: subscriptions, books, educational audio tapes, birth art and more.
Get the goods for growing strong, confident girls and the best guidance available to help you parent them with New Moon®: The Magazine for Girls and Their Dreams and Daughters® for Parents of Girls. Visit www.newmoon.org for resources that celebrate a global community of girls and women.
TEEN VOICES, the national magazine designed and written by young women, is currently seeking submissions, interns, and donations. Please contact us for more information.