am a college student and for our English final
we have to write a Proposal Letter on a controversial
issue and I chose Late-Term Abortion. I was wondering
if there was anyway that you could send me some
information on Abortion, Late-Term Abortion and
measures that have been taken and are being introduced
now to keep abortion "Pro-Choice."
abortions have been inappropriately labeled "partial
birth abortions," when in fact these phrases are
most likely referring to a specific procedure
D&X (dilation and extraction), which is often,
though not always, used in later term abortions.
However, late-term abortions are referred to separate
of this simple term to connote an abortion that
happens after the 12th week. When Congress debates
legislation that attempts to ban later-term abortions,
they fail to leave an exception for the life and
health of the mother. They are attempting to give
the fetus more rights than the mother, but politicians
except the most conservative ones -- want this
exception. This is what prevents greater restrictions
from being passed -- thank goodness. The interesting
thing about this proposed legislation, too, is
that it would be the first time that politicians
were given more rights than doctors -- or when
medical advice would be secondary to political
legislation. Naturally -- and rightly so -- doctors
are outraged. Later term abortions are extra-important
to keep available -- as more and more restrictions
are put on women and girls (like minor consent,
etc.), the more important this decision is.