As a first nation woman, I find
feminism a mixture in my life.
I mean I value my culture and
it has helped me heal and is
a daily guide in my life. Yet
I also am glad I learn about
feminism. My problem is trying
to explain to others what it
is? A way of life? A philosophy?
And does it or will it clash
with my cultural ways? With
such a diverse theory, I am
unsure what one I am using?
not the extreme, some where
in the middle. I like the idea
of caring - it fits my culture.
"Political is personal" fits
our history yet with all our
issues - abuse, addictions,
residential schools, big daddy
Department of Indian and Northern
Affairs - where does it fit?
and what one? (new, old, extreme,
your question made me realize
that some of the first feminists
I met were indigenous women
-- Lisa Tiger, Wilma Mankiller,
Rebecca Adamson-- and I have
met many others as I have been
lucky to travel internationally
on a project focused on indigenous
peoples. Because of this unique
experience, I have never experienced
feminism as not being embracing
of different or traditional
cultures, but rather saw many
of these cultures and certainly
these women as symbolic of some
of what feminism could be. I
think the difference might be
that each of these indigenous
women are working on specific
issues like economic development,
HIV/AIDS, preserving Art and
Culture, education, and adoption.
These wouldn't immediately be
perceived as feminist issues
-- yet they are and these individual
feminists are prioritizing them
as feminist issues. I think
the confusion comes from trying
to fit one definition of feminism.
In truth there are so many ways
to be a feminist -- and so many
issues that are feminist issues
-- we can't live by the mainstream
exceptions. Feminism isn't about
dividing yourself from your
culture, but merging the two
and when there is conflict,
for instance, with men dominating
cultural ceremonies, trying
to figure out how to reverse
that trend.