My name is Jesse. I
am currently working on a speech
regarding "legal feminists."
According to my professor for
"legal feminists" law is the
ultimate authority in applying
social principles to particular
situations. So far I've been
surfing the net for information
on this particular topic and
unluckily, I have not been able
to come across any resources
concerning "legal feminists."
If possible can you please provide
some resources such as web cites
or any other related sources
that you think will be of assistance
in putting this speech together.
laws has been a major thrust
of feminist work. Feminists
have been mostly successful;
however, it's important to note
that changing laws are only
the beginning to actually solving
those problems. For instance,
rape is illegal, but it still
happens, so we need to change
people's attitudes while changing
the laws. There are feminist
groups focused specifically
on the law. The National Women's
Law Center, Equal Rights Advocates,
and the NOW Legal Defense and
Education Fund, are the ones
that come to mind immediately.
I hope that helps you prepare
for your speech.