family is always telling me that boys are more
capable of some things than girls. Lately it seems
like everything I want to do they say boys are
more capable of. These are things like sports
and driving. They let my brother do things on
his own, even though he can be pretty irresponsible
at times. I'm more independent and responsible,
and I don't do a lot of stupid things that my
friends have done, like have sex, get pregnant
and get into bad relationships or drink. I'm always
telling them I'm smart enough not to do half of
the things my friends have done, but they treat
me like a little kid and like they have to stand
over me to make sure I do stuff right.
told my family that I'm just as capable at doing
anything as my brother, but everyone in my family
- even the other girls - always tell me boys are
more capable. I'm sick of it. What can I do to
convince them that girls are more than just helpless
Barbie wannabes? I tell them that girls are as
smart as boys and boys are as smart as girls,
and boys aren't necessarily better than girls
and girls aren't necessarily better than boys
and that both genders are equally capable of things
like driving and stuff, and that there is no such
thing of one gender being smarter or more capable
because we both have brains.
I give the speech, they tell me girls are slower
learners. They tell me to get off my high horse
and that boys are more capable just because. I
think parents should not tell kids this because
it really affects their self-esteem and makes
them prefer to confide in their friends instead
of their parents because they're afraid their
parents will give some stupid, narrow-minded answer
like 'because he's a boy" or not listen to
the point their kid is making. Why are so many
people so pessimistic toward girls? I'm smart
and I'm a natural artist/writer/musician and I'm
good at all kinds of stuff. Most of it I learned
on my own. My brother isn't really that good at
any of that type of stuff, yet they're always
overlooking the stuff I do and focus on the stuff
I do wrong and call me a slow learner, which I
am absolutely not, then they compare me to my
friends over really stupid stuff. I've tried everything
to convince my family that neither gender is smarter
and pointed out specific careers that both are
in, but nothing will change their minds. Please
help! Every time they tell me this then I tell
them they're wrong, they'll say we're sorry to
hurt your feelings, but boys are more capable
at most things. I've run out of stuff to say since
they won't listen to me. I think people shouldn't
say stuff like this because it does severe damage
to girls' self esteem..
for your note to feminist.com and I'm sorry that
your family is so frustrating. And it doesn't
surprise me at all that you are more responsible
and independent. Many studies on girls label us
"resilient." In part I think it's because we learn
at an early age that people won't always include
us or treat us the way we think we should be,
so we have to make up for that by becoming strong
and resilient.
seems like you have tried a lot of things with
your family and it doesn't sink in. I have one
suggestion, which has worked for me in the past,
and that is to give them examples of women who
have achieved in "male professions." These "exceptions
to the rules" prove to me that there really aren't
any rules and that the exception comes only because
enough girls haven't been given equal access to
such things and when we are, we prove to be as
successful/capable. Look at the Women's World
Cup soccer team. They proved to be as captivating
and good as the boys teams - and soccer is one
of those sports that women have had access to
for 30 years, so it shows that if you give women
the access and the resources we are equally capable.
just read an article about 20-year-old Sarah Fisher
who came in second at the Indy Racing League.
(She did come in second to a boy, but she had
beaten him on other occasions). There is also
Mohammed Ali's daughter the boxer - and that great
movie Girl Fight where the girl beats the
boy at boxing, which was based on a real story.
There's Bev Francis who could bench press more
than the strongest man. So these examples prove
that it's possible for even more women to be just
as capable.
you have to look at examples like female astronauts
and Madeline Albright being Secretary of State.
There was a time, not too long ago, when people
said that girls couldn't do that either, and now
we don't think twice. I hope these examples will
help convince your parents - maybe you should
also engage your brother on your side. Who knows
- good luck and I hope these suggestions help.