Dear Amy,
My sister has been getting harassed at work for the past few months by a male coworker. She has not been sexually harassed, but has been called bitch and some other names. She has even been pushed out of the way by him as he goes to use the cash register at work. He has done no real physical harm accept for make her feel really uncomfortable at work and a little intimedated by him. Is there any actions that can be taken against him? My sisters has went to her employer numerous times about this and he has yet to take any real actions against this man. Is this illegal for him to do?
I guess I just really want to know if the law protects her in any way against this kind of harassment. Thank you for your time.
Dear Guy,
Sexual harassment laws are very weak, because they are very specific and don't actually take into account the majority of uncomfortable and unjust moments that take place within the context of the workplace -- such as your sister's example proves. It doesn't seem like she really has any recourse -- except to quit or complain and then risk being fired. It's not right -- perhaps she can talk to others at work and see if they have experienced this, too and collectively build a case.
Good luck,