I'm assuming that by "equal treatment of
empties" you mean "equal treatment of
employees." Your question is a great one
and I don't know if anyone has yet created a great
solution. I think people have lots of complaining
to do about the workplace, but I don't know if
any of this every translates into tangible solutions.
There are some obvious things -- like Flexible
work hours; Job Share;
Paid Leave; policies which say that the top paid
person can't make more than 10 times the lowest
paid person or something like that. Offices, which
are determined by years there or hours worked
rather than salary; on site child care. The way
unequal force is children -- this means women
get compromised since they are the primary care
givers, but if something were done to recognize
this that would begin to work itself out.
Try organizations like Catalyst, 9to5 and Equal
Rights Advocate -- for other things.