not sure if acquaintance rape
has been covered in your column
or not. If it hasn’t I’d
like to share my story with
you to maybe help other women
who have gone through this.
About 9 months ago, I was raped
by a “friend” who
had come over to my apartment
to “hang out”. I
had talked to him about the
difficulties and stress I was
going through with the guy who
was my boyfriend at the time.
He gave me a kiss and I *did*
kiss him back a couple times
before telling him that I was
sorry but I loved my boyfriend
and that I couldn’t be
intimate with him at this time.
He stopped, but then 10 minutes
later start again – id
tell him “please, I don’t
want to do this” and he
would stop for 5 minutes…and
start again becoming more persistent
each time until finally he ignored
when I said “I can’t”.
I was too afraid to really fight
him off, I didn’t scream
or yell but I did ask him to
at least use a condom which
he did. I just didn’t
want him to hurt me anymore
than he already was and prayed
it would be over as quickly
as possible. After it was over
I felt as though someone had
dropped an atomic bomb on me,
but went on with my life as
if nothing happened. I felt
it was my fault because I should
have told him to get out, or
at the very least fought harder
– and I did kiss him a
couple times. I’m sure
HE wouldn’t consider it
rape, especially not since I
begged him to use a condom.
I knew that I did NOT want to
have sex with him, and he did
hurt me but I still felt as
though I’d asked for it.
I didn’t go to the police,
and I couldn’t get a doctors
appointment until almost 3 months
after it happened. I was too
ashamed to tell my doctor what
went on, I just got a quick
check up. My boyfriend and I
decided to live together 6 months
after I was raped and I became
progressively stressed out.
I would cry for no reason, I
gained weight, couldn’t
concentrate at work and thought
constantly about ending my life.
I didn’t connect that
maybe all of this could be from
what happened, I just kept telling
myself it was PMS. I finally
told a supervisor (an incredible
feminist, anti-racist activist)
and friend at work that I had
been raped after I got into
an argument with my boss who
is male and broke down. She
was understanding, and suggested
I get therapy and take some
time off from work. My boyfriend
on the other hand freaked out
and accused me of cheating on
him and then calling it rape.
He said that he felt violated
and that he couldn’t look
at me the same way because I’d
had a guy in my room that wasn’t
him. We were on and off again
trying to work through it for
about 4 painful months and then
finally split up for good. I
am seeing a therapist, and trying
to piece myself back together
slowly. My therapist has given
me a little bit of literature
on acquaintance rape and I’m
realizing that I am so far from
alone in my silence. Many women
are raped by husbands, boyfriends,
family, and friends - people
they care about and trust. I
still feel as though I cannot
go to the police, but I have
the knowledge that it’s
never too late – and maybe
if I share my story it will
help other women to come forward.
Aside from just sharing my story,
I wanted to ask you Amy if you
can give me some more good books/information
on acquaintance rape. And also
if there are any resources/groups/centers
in my area that I could contact
and possibly do some activists
work with to help women who
have gone through this empower
Thank you so much for all that
you do!
know that other people sense
a great relief, just from the
process of sharing -- just by
telling your story and your
truths, you have exposed others
to that fact that they aren't
alone and hopefully realized
that in the process. Acquaintance
rape is incredibly common, especially
among college campuses and women
in their twenties. It seems
to go with that time in life,
where boundaries are blurry
and expectations are great.
In fact, I think I read that
acquaintance rape is the most
common form of rape -- so you
aren't alone. And part of the
problem with detecting such
rapes or documenting is that
they often go unreported --people
fear turning in their friends
and thus don't report it. Reporting
is actually almost beside the
point -- though I highly encourage
everyone to do it -- but it's
problematic, because it's so
specific -- you have to do it
within 48 hours and you need
to specifically have a rape
kit and even with these guidelines
met, too many cases fall about
because the pressure is to great
or becausethe required evidence
is too specific. Given this,
I usually encourage people to
find their own sense of justice
somehow -- not sure that there
is one answer for everyone,
but I think that everyone has
something that makes them feel
better about what happened.
It sounds like you are on a
good track. Have you visited
RAINN -- they have great resources.
Also, in New York City there
is the Mount Sinai Rape Crisis
Center -- it's local, but its
resources are national. I get
their newsletter and am thoroughly
impressed by their work. I hope
that you keep sharing and talking
and realizing that that will
help others.