am currently studying my HSC
and am doing a major research
assignment on Teenage Pregnancy.
I was wondering if you could
please send me any information
on this topic, such as; ways
to cope with it, such as abortion,
keeping the baby etc, just anything
at all would be of a great help
to me
topic of teenage pregnancy is
pretty broad. One of the first
things to deal with--is that
too often "unwanted" automatically
precedes teenage pregnancy,
when in reality, many teenage
pregnancies are wanted. The
choices that are available to
teenagers are the same ones
that are available to any woman
who is pregnant. And, I believe,
chosen as often regardless of
age. As you have outlined, those
choices are: abortion, adoption,
keeping the baby.
one thing that does seem to
affect teenagers at a great
rate is having later term abortions
and/or waiting too long to have
an abortion and then choosing
to carry the fetus to full-term.
This happens because there is
still so many stigmas against
teenagers who get pregnant and
too few outlets for them to
discuss their choices. Teenagers
often don't even have their
own health insurance and, therefore,
often can't make the decision
without confronting a parent,
something they don't always
want to do.
are places that can help you
answer your questions in greater
detail. For instance, Advocates
for Youth (a youth advocacy
group based in Washington, DC),
Guttmacher Institute (which
does research on all women's
health issues, including teenage
pregnancy), and the VOX
site, which is sponsored by
Planned Parenthood Federation
of America. These sites should
give you more detailed information.