am a senior at Providence College
and am working on a group project
for my Women and Politics class.
My portion of the project focuses
on feminist organizations/foundations
that had an impact on the recent
elections. I have seen your
web site, and I would appreciate
any information you can give
me on endorsed candidates, fundraisers,
etc. that your organization
may have been involved in.
you very much,
feminist.com encouraged the
electoral process and encouraged
our visitors to vote for and
support the candidates that
support the issues they care
about -- feminist.com didn't
directly endorse any candidates.
Personally, I voted for Gore
and I can safely say that anyone
at feminist.com who did vote
must have voted for either Gore
or Nader, since Bush doesn't
even pretend to care about women's
issues. Also, feminist.com is
active on politics every day
of the year and sees that our
connection to the political
process might begin on Election
Day, but that is only the beginning.
If you look at our alerts and
our actions -- these are pretty
much about making sure politicians
listen to what feminists are
luck on your group project,