am surprised that the only references
on your site to disabled women
are in passing or about health.
The issues surrounding disabled
women in the piece about violence
and abuse for example don't
even skim the surface of the
complications for disabled women
who may not be able at all to
leave or complain. Learning
disabled women often have no
rights at all or are considered
unable to give real evidence.
Can you point me towards anything
for disabled women with a kind
of feminism which embraces our
issues also, such as the complications
of right to life and right of
disabled people to live and
not be forced to become a burden
on our poor mothers?
Thanks in advance for your help,
you were specifically referring
to the Ask Amy section, I don't
really have control over that.
I only answer what people ask
me--and I can't predict what
it will be. So the dearth in
Q & As specific to disabled
women is a result of disabled
women not asking questions and/or
anyone not asking questions
specific to disabled women.
However, the other problem is
that site might not be inclusive
enough and that is something
that we are working on. For
instance, we just learned about
a group in New York City that
is working with disabled women
who are in abusive situations.
Hopefully, we can find out about
other such groups across the
country, so we're not just helping
our visitors from New York City.
If you look through questions
previously listed at Ask Amy
on the topic of disabled women,
I tend to refer them to Educational
Equity Concepts and specifically
their resource book: Bridging
the Gap, A National Directory
of Organizations Serving Disabled
Women. I'm not sure if this
directory is posted at their
web site, but I have a copy
and would gladly Xerox it and
mail it to you if you give me
your mailing address. Additionally,
prompted by your email I'm going
to ask them if we can post the
directory at the site.
hope that helps - and thanks
again for visiting feminist.com.