there somewhere I can access
a list of all the major laws
affecting women (both favorably
and discriminatory) for the
last two hundred years, in Europe
(the UK especially)? I need
to reference them within a time
frame, but don't need loads
of legal detail. Any help would
be very much appreciated.
I can't imagine that there is
a way to look at the all of
the laws over the past 200 years
that have impacted women. That
would essentially be every law
passed over the past 200 years.
Even if women aren't explicitly
mentioned, the absence alone
affects women. In relationship
to the Beijing U.N. Conference
on Women, Equality
Now, a U.S. based international
human rights group, published
a resource, "Words and Deeds".
It looked at all of the laws
that governments could pass
in order to honor their commitment
to the Beijing document -- and
encouraged different governments
to do so. Perhaps you will find
some recent laws in this document.