Dear Amy,
I recently had the idea to collect old and used magazines from all the women in my life, (friends, family, co-workers, etc.) and donate them to a local women’s shelter for the holiday season. Some of the most empowering and inspirational ideas I've had have been the result of reading an article, blurb, or sometimes even a caption in many responsible publications.
To be more specific, we'd donate the magazines with positive representations of women, and recycle all the rest, with the proceeds going to the shelter. I suppose I'm writing you as a sort of bouncing board. Do you see any inherent problems in this idea? I’ve thought about it quite a bit and I want it to be as effective as possible. Any suggestions or warnings you might have would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you (for everything)!
Kadi |
Kadi, Thanks for sharing your idea! It is a great one and very replicable. Maybe even by having it posted here at feminist.com you will inspire others. I think it benefits everyone: the women in the shelter for having more access to material, you for feeling like you are doing something, and the environment. Thanks for sharing,
- Amy