Dear Amy,
My name is Leanne
and I am a political science/women's
studies student at Carleton
University in Ottawa, Canada.
At Carleton I am an active
member of our Womyn's Collective
and an Amnesty International
activist. I am very concerned
and passionate about the issue
of 'sex trafficking' and have
done lots of research on the
issue. I would like to connect
with an organization or group
that is already taking on the
issue because I would like
to start an anti-trafficking
coalition here in Ottawa.
However, throughout my research
most of the organizations I
have found are based in Europe
or in the United States. I
would like to know if you know
of any groups here in Canada
and any advice you may have
about starting such a coalition
and generating interest among
my fellow peers about an issue
that does not usually directly
affect them. Some of my fellow
womyn's collective colleagues
are concerned about tackling
an issue that deals with organized
crime because of security issues.
Should this be something I
should be concerned about?
Also do you know of any
resources that deal with
lobbying the government/courts
in a Canadian context? Any
insight or advice you could
offer would be appreciated.
Thank-you for taking the time
to read my email. I must say that I absolutely loved Manifesta
and Grassroots. It was so comforting
that other feminists activists
were feeling the same frustration.
Thank you for generating
and sustaining such a dialog,
it is inspiring.
Lux |
Dear Lux --
The best organization that
I know about is Equality
Now -- they are based in
the US, but work internationally
and have several offices
in other parts of the world,
though I don't think Canada.
They have done lots of research
on the issue of sex trafficking,
including lobbying the US
government to pass legislation.
They were also successful
in New York City with shutting
down one sex-tourism business.
They also have a healthy
perspective on the issue
-- they are trying not to
condemn the women.
is also a group called Fair
Fund, which works on
many issues, but trafficking,
mostly from Eastern European
countries is one of them.
They, too, are based in the
US, but might have some thoughts. I
know that it is a huge issue
in Canada as I just read
an article somewhere about
how many women are trafficked
through Canada.
I don't think
that you have to be worried
about the organized crime
aspect -- that's only a small
fraction of who operates
these chains anyway.
I hope
that helps.
Good luck,
-- Amy