Hi. I've never used your site
before, but found it when I
was searching for information
to help me understand what
happened to me recently. Feel
free to edit my question if
you need to. I apologize for
my explicit language; the incident
happened very recently and
is too clear in my memory.
My boyfriend and I went out
and got extremely drunk together.
We came back home and we were
both very turned on. At this
point, we both really wanted
sex. But as soon as we made
it to the bed, he suddenly
decided he wanted oral sex,
something I have never done
for him before. It is something
I have a few issues with, but
they are from my past and nothing
to do with him. However, he
knows that oral sex is something
I'm not ready for yet with
him, even though we've been
together for a year now.
said 'no' to him several times,
but not aggressively. But he
kept trying to convince me
to go down on him, in his drunken
state. I was too drunk to physically
stop him. Eventually, he pushed
me down (but not violently)
and I gave in, and pleasured
him for a minute or two, before
stopping and saying 'no' again.
I said I was ok with just penetrative
sex, but oral is something
I could not do for him. So
he agreed and we tried, but
were both much too drunk to
continue with it. He got more
frustrated when I asked him
to wait while I looked for
lube and pushed himself higher
on top of me and forced his
penis between my breasts, another
form of sex I've always said
I wasn't keen on. I said no
again, a few times, until I
said it very loudly and said
'I can't' to him. He stopped,
said I was "useless" because
I couldn't "suck him off" or
pleasure him in any way, and
declared he was going downstairs
for a cigarette. I was drunk
and tired and fell asleep immediately.
The next morning, I found
him beside me, holding me like
he usually does. I immediately
brought up the events of the
night before and he was stunned.
He said he couldn't remember
much of the night and all he
could say for sure was that
at the start, we both wanted
sex and that when I said "I
can't", he stopped. He
didn't remember anything about
the oral sex at all. I cried
and told him how I felt and
he spent all day comforting
me and crying as well. He apologized
and said he had never done
anything like this before and
if all that happened, he was
a jerk. He offered to go to
the police himself, and offered
to come collect his stuff from
my house, as he was sure I
would leave him. But strangely,
I believe him. He has been
a caring, loving boyfriend
for a year and knows all about
my horrific past with men and
deals with the aftermath of
the abusive relationships I've
been in. I admit I often treat
him very unfairly and he accepts
it and tries to help me heal
myself. I believe that he was
too drunk to hear me say no
and truly doesn't remember
much or feels to ashamed of
his actions to admit he remembers.
I cannot believe he could do
something like that to me.
He promised never to drink
so much again and drop me home
after drinking if I felt like
it. I feel so torn, Amy. I
really want to believe him
and stay with him and find
a way to heal, but my feminist
side tells me I'm wrong. How
do I decide? Many thanks in
advance, for listening and
replying. |
Your question is not unlike
many others that I have received
over the years — not
necessarily the exact details,
but the fuzziness when it comes
to rape. For some people it's
very clear when it is/was rape — they
felt violated and felt that
rape is/was the most accurate
description of what happened
to them. However, most people
are less clear about how to
describe what happened to them — and
even less clear about what
they want to do about it. Even
if people are describing "it" as
rape - they are resistant to
entirely labeling it in that
way because they then think
they have to act upon it and
they don't always want to.
Rape is also very personal — what
one person experiences as rape,
another person wouldn't necessarily
and so in that way it becomes
harder to talk about universally
since we aren't always having
the same conversation.
I say this all by way of comfort — your
mixed, confused feelings seem
entirely natural and in sync
with most people that I interact
with. In terms of what you
should do...of course, only
you can answer that. But knowing
little about your situation,
and comparing it to other people
who have reached out to me,
I would say that you seem to
want to forgive your boyfriend
and you do legitimately believe
him. Whereas I read between
the lines of what other people
are asking me — which
is often wanting me to say
what they aren't ready to — i.e.
make him get out. I honestly
don't get that from you. I
certainly think that you should
pay attention to his behavior
and make sure that this doesn't
become a pattern, if it does
I would say that you should
create more boundaries. I also
think that you should continue
to talk about it with him — why
did he feel he could only be
aggressive about it with alcohol,
etc...And make him understand
why you don't want to. He sounds
like he wants to listen and
communicate and that seems
like the best ingredient for
repairing your relationship.