I find it absolutely baffling that McCain had
only one brief meeting with Palin before choosing
her as his running mate. This was clearly a last-minute
decision and a knee-jerk reaction to the Obama
attention from the night before. This is an irresponsible
and reckless decision; he hardly even knows her.
His selection shows me what type of president
he will be, decisions will not be made with careful
consideration and diplomacy but instead, quick
gut reactions will lead the way. Listen, I’m
not undermining Palin’s
accomplishments, I congratulate her on her historic
achievement. However, McCain is simply using
her as a chess pawn. I also don’t agree
with her policies and views:
1. She is pro-war.
2. She is opposed to reproductive rights for women.
3. She doesn’t believe in global warming.
4. She supports big oil and wherever they chose to drill.
5. She’s a lifetime member of the NRA.
6. She’s opposed a clean water initiative.
7. She sued the federal gov. for listing polar bears as an endangered
species (why? cause you can’t drill for oil when animals are occupying
land) she’s against wildlife protection.
It’s true they would’ve never selected
her, if she were a man, it’s pretty insulting
to think a position was given to you simply due
to your gender…what a gimmick. |
I couldn't agree with you more. And based on
the handful of emails that I have already received
on this topic, I sense that most people are "on
to her" and thus won't be fooled simply
by her gender. As we have learned from Margaret
Thatcher, Clarence Thomas, and others, just because
someone is a specific gender or race doesn't
necessarily mean that they prioritize the concerns
of that constituency.
Like you, I feel that Palin is being "used" by
the Republicans — but regardless it says
a lot that they felt gender was "important" — something
they often haven't acknowledged in the past.
I also personally think that I can celebrate
her candidacy and also defend her character and
the assaults on her character without supporting
her as a candidate.
— Amy