I am a 25-year-old woman who recently became engaged.
I have been a feminist since the tender age of
fourteen. I am deeply in love with my husband to
be, and I want to spend the rest of my life with
him. However, I have made it clear that I would
still like to retain my identity and my independence.
I will not be taking his last name, and other customs
and traditions such as the "giving away of
the bride" or wearing a white dress will not
be a part of my ceremony.
My boyfriend has been very receptive to my feminist
beliefs for the most part, and I was quite shocked
(and very disappointed) when he mentioned that
he was planning to ask for my father's "permission" to
marry me. I told him that I didn't like the meaning
behind this tradition, or the implications of it.
It harks back to a time when women were considered
the property" of their father's and husband's.
He was willing to respect my feelings. However,
there are some people who have said that I was
making a big deal out of nothing" and that
if it was important to him I should have just went
along with it. Also, when I state our intention
to live in separate dwellings, people often respond
with shock and disapproval. They will make comments
like "What's the point of getting married
then? Why not just stay single?" I have always
been very independent, and I am the kind of person
who needs her own space. It seems that a lot of
people are under the impression that when a woman
gets married she is no longer a person in her own
right, and must be willing to give up all of her
freedom and independence. These comments are both
hurtful and insulting.
I don't know why people feel so threatened by
women like me, who have a mind of our own and will
not allow ourselves to be bound by sexist, patriarchal
values and traditions.” On the one hand I
want other people's approval, and I want to feel
a sense of belonging and acceptance. On the other
hand, I want to be true to myself and live by my
convictions. Do you have any advice for me? I am
sure this is something that other young feminists
have struggled with at one time or another. Thank
you. |
I am
actually not married, but live with my boyfriend
and we have two kids together, so I have had
to withstand similar comments and because I'm
a feminist people attribute my decisions entirely
to some supposed feminist rulebook. This is all
to say that I can relate to your scenario. I
do think it's important to be adamant about keeping
your independence and because doing so if often
an exception, I think we often have to go to
extremes in order to end up at a more neutral
place. And so essentially you have to go to an
extreme because others are more likely to just
resign themselves to tradition.
However, all
of that said, I also think that relationships
are inherently about compromise — not about
one person compromising, but about each person
giving and taking and that's just a natural element
of relationships. I think that problems often
arise in relationships when there is an expectation
of compromise and it's not that the compromise
itself is shattering, but that you never thought
it would happen. It's better to lower the expectation
and be happily surprised. I also think that in
this day and age marriage is increasingly confusing.
Historically there was a real need for marriage — especially
for women for whom marriage was an escape from
their families.
Today, women don't need marriage
the way they once did, but people still treat
the institution as sacred and yet it increasingly
is exposed as a legal bond. And that latter point
is threatening to people who want to see it solely
as a romantic act. I think that some of the reaction
you are getting has less to do with what people
really think about you and more to do with people
being forced to re-examine or justify their own
experience. I think that your example will go
a long way toward encouraging others to ask for/expect
more, but sadly, in the process it's likely that
people will feel put off by that.
— Amy