My colleague and I are two high school
teachers who are sponsoring "the real women
club." One of our main goals is to help
young women develop a positive image of themselves.
As a club we would like to survey our school
to better define our school culture and attitudes
towards young women. We would like to survey
the student body at large, boys and girls, and
wondered if you had any sample surveys or resources.
Our goal is to design a survey that will generate
honest answers and particularly touch on issues
that concern the population we are dealing with.
We have ideas for questions, but would love any
additional input. Can you help?
Conveniently, I just read this workbook prepared
by Catherine
Steiner Adair.
It's called Full of Ourselves and directly specifically
at girls, but I do think that it could be adapted
and expanded upon to included boys, too. The
one main thing I would advise is that you leave
room for open ended answers, not simply yes or
no — for instance, "what do you like
best about recess?" rather than "is
recess your favorite part of the day?" The
more specific the question, the more specific
the answer. Also, I think that adult language
can indirectly alienate kids — or ask them
to conform, I think that you should make them
a part of developing the survey and thus ensure
that the questions are in their vernacular. Thanks
so much for doing this; I am sure that your students
will benefit.