I am a 7th grade student, and I have recently
become aware of feminism. After a long time thinking,
I have come to the conclusion that I am a feminist.
This is very new and exciting for me, but I am
very confused about it all, and I was hoping
that you could clarify some things:
1. My best
friend doesn't believe in this and although she "supports" me
she disagrees with my decision. We got into a
huge fight and she hung up the phone on me. How
can I deal with this? It would be hard for me
to stop being her friend, because I have known
her for 11 years.
2. I am against abortion, but
I am for everything else that feminism stands
for. Can I still be a feminist if I don't believe
in that? Thank you so much for all of your help!
Dear Caitlin,
hanks so much for reaching
out to Feminist.com! In terms of your friend's
response, I'm sure that has mostly to do with
her misunderstanding about what feminism is and
perhaps even her assumption that because you
are embracing feminism she must, too. Having
friends choose different things can be threatening
to some friends — rather than viewing these
differences as strengths, as in, we can learn
from each other, some people are threatened by
them, as in, your choices are a threat to her
I think that you should simply tell her
what you mean by feminism — what makes
you connected and why you think it's important
to identify yourself as such. Also, she might
be resistant to it for very silly reasons — for
instance, maybe her mother is a feminist and
that's what drives her nuts about her mom or
maybe someone once called her a feminist in a
negative way and that stayed with her.
On the
second point, you can certainly be a feminist
and not actively support abortion rights. I think
the important thing is for you not to stand in
the way of those who are trying to access abortion — to
take away their access and rights.