Sorry, this is kind of long,
but I'm desperate (aren't we
My best friend has been married
to an emotionally, verbally
abusive man for more than 30
years. They have four children
with now only one still at
home. I've done some research
on the issue, and my friend
and her husband match the descriptions
of the abuser and victim perfectly.
For example, he's completely
selfish and cares for no one
but himself. He'll blow up
at her and then turn around
and say sorry, I love you,
etc., etc. She's completely
depressed, suicidal, has low
self-esteem, and they both
share the attitude that women
should be treated as second-class
He has total control over
her including financial. They're
rich, but he's always telling
her they don't have any money.
He's always bargaining--I'll
do this for you only if you
do this for me. Make me gag!!
Worse, and this is the real
kicker, he thinks of plant
fertilizer and new car tires
as being gifts--oh look honey,
I got you fertilizer and tires--aren't
I sweet? I'm not kidding--I've
witnessed it. To everyone else,
he's nice, charming and unassuming.
I don't think my friend correlates
her depression, low self-esteem
to his more than three decades
of abuse. She and I both know
he's an asshole, but I don't
think we've ever discussed
it in a way that he's mentally
deranged. I don't even think
she thinks of him as an abuser.
I don't think I did either
until I started doing research
and saw that his traits were
not just character flaws but
studied, labeled, psychological
He's a child in an adult's
body and insists on having
total control and power over
his wife. I'm not sure how
she would respond to me trying
to get her to read the material
I've found on emotional and
verbal abuse. Is there anyway
I can get her to do this? She's
already uncomfortable with
me telling her he's an asshole,
and she needs to get out. If
she says he's an asshole and
vents to me about some assholish
thing he did, then that's okay.
But if I say he's an asshole
or bring up an example that
proves he is, then it's not
I have a feeling she won't
want to read the material because
it's me bringing it to her
attention--it's me saying it
and not her, and plus she just
doesn't want to face reality.
I don't blame her for all this,
but I can't help but feel she's
at fault too because she allows
it to go on and puts up with
it. Urgh! Also, I really don't
want to see her spend her "golden" years
with this man, but I know she
will never leave him. I've
tried talking to her youngest
daughter who is 19, but all
she does is say I'm "picking
on" her father. I've noticed
this same daughter is always
sticking up for her dad. The
rest of the children feel the
same way in that mom is the
crazy one and dad has it all
I saw a documentary once where
the researchers said children
usually always side with the
abuser. I understand this because
I myself grew up in a home
where my Dad verbally, physically
and emotionally abused my Mom.
My brother and I did the same
thing. When my Mom finally
got smart and left, I even
sided with my Dad for the first
six months following. I accept
responsibility for my actions,
but also can say that after
looking back I realized my
Dad spent a large majority
of his time throughout their
marriage and our upbringing
brainwashing my brother and
I into thinking that Mom was
the insane one. "Oh, that's
just you're mother being irrational
again. You know how she can
get." Eventually I came
to my senses and realized my
father's a jerk, not an easy,
fun thing to do. So, I understand
my friend's daughter's dilemma,
but I'm really just trying
to help, and I wish she could
understand that. Is there anything
I can do, besides watch her
continually suffer day in and
day out?
I read that the abuse has
a cumulative effect and just
gets worse and worse with each
new year. I feel my friend
is dying a long, slow death,
and there's nothing I can do
about it. I feel so helpless!
The most frustrating part of
all is she's extremely intelligent,
but one of those women who
thinks if you don't have a
penis, then you're worthless.
She tolerates me however, somehow
(thank goodness!). We're very
close, and I hear every detail
of their relationship. I want
to be her friend and be a support
system, as I have been for
the past five years, but it's
starting to take its toll.
I feel she'd rather have a
man abuse her than no man at
all. I can't handle that. I
can't get through to her. I'm
accused of being a femi-nazi,
cynical, etc.--the whole ball
of wax. I know people say these
things out of discomfort with
the truth though, and due to
the fact that I'm not a man,
and I'm young, and I'm single.
Three strikes! It's obviously
had quite an effect on my own
emotional stability over the
years. It's getting harder
and harder for me, too.
How can I help? What can I
do?!! Thanks for reading my
rants and for your time, help.
Regards, Becky
Dear Becky -
You are certainly very aware
of all of the possible scenarios
and also of the behavior around
abuse. It is very common for
the abuser to be idolized and
for those being abused to just
reject their own best interest.
Part of it is that you forget
that you deserve better. You
live for so long in a situation
and you begin to conclude that
it truly must be your fault.
As for the kids, that doesn't
surprise me. I have met lots
of people who have had to wrestle
their kids away from an abusive
parent and they honestly are
slightly crazy -- not that
they begin that way -- but
the system and the situation
force them into that compromised
There is truth to it,
but you have to fully examine
the situation behind the situation.
At this point, I feel like
you don't have much to loose
with your friend. It's very
risky to confront her because
she might shut down and not
want to communicate anymore,
but on the other end, you might
become her vehicle for helping
herself. I would just be extra-sensitive
about doing it in a way that
puts the onus on you -- leaving
yourself room to "just be
wrong." I would also consult
the local domestic violence
resource and ask them about
how to handle this. I'm sure
they have heard this scenario
Good luck -- you really
are a good friend -- I hope
that your friend can recognize
that, if not now, at least
at some point.
-- Amy