I am concerned that, while
emotional, verbal and financial
abuse are all recognized as
elements of domestic abuse,
society (and its institutions)
only regards physical abuse
as one deserving of recognition
and protection.
What I have
observed is that, as men
have become aware of the fact
that physical abuse will be
dealt with, there has been
an escalation in all the other
forms - all as reliable forms
of threat, manipulation and
control. This has left a large
number of women, including
myself, slipping through the
Your opinion?
I absolutely agree with your
The challenge is-- what to do?
I know that feminist groups that
are committed to working on the
issue of abuse have been trying
to educate police officers and
judges about how these are related
and often interconnected. Also,
one often does lead to or come
as a result of the other. As
with most abuse, the most common
is often the most difficult to
define or at least define in
a way that matches the law.
-- Amy