Dear Amy,
Hello. My name is Jennifer.
I am a 33-year-old woman who
so desperately wants to help
other victims of rape. When
I was 11 years of age, my cousin
who lived next door to our
family, married a rapist. I
was his "unlucky" victim.
To try and make a long story
short because I know you are
very busy, my life as I knew
it ended.
One day I would like
to talk to you and tell my
story so that maybe one day,
I could help others and let
them know they are not alone,
that it is not their fault.
I went from tragedy to triumph.
I always wanted to try to
help but did not feel strong
enough. I am strong now. I
am able to share my story.
Please let me know how I can
Thank you,
Dear Jennifer --
solely on those who reach out
to Ask Amy, I can confirm that
there is a need for people
like you who are willing to
just be a sounding board for
Often times, I know
that people just want to
be heard -- they don't necessarily
want to do something, they
just want to have someone
listen and believe them --
plus they want to know that
they are not alone and your
experience proves that they
aren't. RAINN might be a good
place for you to reach out
to and also if I get Ask Amy's
that seem appropriate, I can
send those emails your way.
I know that you can help others
just by being willing to share
your story.
-- Amy