I am a 23 yr. old male and feminist. Recently,
I have been told that I am a hypocrite for fighting
for feminism on campus. I "check out" women
and I date a lot of different women.
Because I am a typical male in many ways, I
am being accused of being a hypocrite. What I
tell people is that I am a male and will never
be a woman no matter how much they want me to
be. I don't disrespect women when I date and
I don't have sex with many of the women I date.
I am always honest with the girls I date and
they understand my point of view. If I am a hypocrite
for dating, I don't see how any male can be a
feminist while searching for love.
Although I am changing my "typical male" patterns,
albeit not my dating patterns, I believe I am
becoming a better person and a better feminist.
So, do you think a typical male be a feminist?
I do think that you can be a
typical male and be a feminist, in the same way that you can be a typical female
and be a feminist (i.e. pink, love dating boys, etc...).
It's how we act and
treat people, proclivities aside. My boyfriend is absolutely a typical male
-- calls girls chicks, obsesses about basketball, etc... but he at the core
is a feminist.
I hope that helps.
- Amy